Dear Souls,
From June 19 to 25, the meeting dedicated to the waters and the opening of the Golden Portal will take place in Quillabamba, Peru.
We need your help to bring this unique event to fruition.
Every time we connect with the Golden Portal, we connect with our primordial energy and our inner divinity.
We're appealing to your generous hearts today to support the construction of the venue for Grandmothers and participants, the ceremonial temple and the access road.
Each donor contributing to the co-creation of this new humanity will receive an energetic transmission from the portal, the guardian and the Grandmothers during a dedicated ceremony.
This will also be a way for you to be present with us in a different form.
And to connect with the energy of the Offering for a Sacred Place.
Join us on this divine adventure, this journey towards reconnecting with your deepest essence.
Your support is crucial, your energetic presence is essential. Together, let's make every drop of water a symbol of renewal, healing and transformation.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and love.
With gratitude and light,
Click on this link to participate in the fundraising campaign:
The Birth Meeting Team
From June 19, 2024 to June 25, 2024 in Quillabamba, Peru
We are experiencing great changes on our planet and in humanity. The Earth is releasing a great deal of energy for our ascension at the same time.
The international gathering will be a women's circle for the first 4 days, and from the fifth day onwards it will be open to men for the last 3 days.
My name is Chrystal Luz. 16 years ago, after a death experience, I received the tools and gifts to work in the service of Mother Earth and humanity. Since then, I have dedicated myself to healing, liberating, initiating and training sisters and brothers of light who support the ascension process and the birth of the new humanity.
From this experience, I received a vision of a great gathering of grandmothers with whom we've been working for eons in the service of the planet. In this vision, I received the image of an immense golden door opening onto the birth of a new humanity.
The time has come to realize this vision on a special date that is a portal and in a magical place that lies at the intersection of the earth's Kundalini, currently present in the Andes, and on the sacred line we can call the other equator where the great temples, pyramids and island of Rapa Nui are located.
This place is a sacred portal located in Peru, close to Machu Pichu and other ancient temples, in the mountains around the town of Quillabamba, surrounded by lush nature, it's a paradise of colorful birds and butterflies amid ancient ceremonial plantations of cacao, banana and coffee.
The call is to gather together to activate and awaken, with the grandmothers of the Ring of Fire, from this golden portal, the dormant vortexes that have been preparing to absorb all the dark energy that will be released at the time of the great world event.
This union will act on the planet and on human beings to bring about mass liberation and awakening. During the convention with the grandmothers, we'll open up to receive the other visions and wisdoms passed on by their ancestors, which they'll give us to open our hearts and consciences to this new era.
All beings who feel the call to come to this reunion of souls are invited.

4 native ethnic grandmothers from 4 countries corresponding to the Pacific Ring of Fire

Awhitia Mihaere (Ngāti Kahungunu) from New Zealand/Hawaii
She is a healer, traditional midwife, tohunga ruahine and teacher of Maori rongoā. She was born on the floor of her whānau home in Tokoroa, guided in the te ao Mārama by her grandmother. It was this nanny who fed the wairua of Awhitia from that day on.

Marie-Dominique Linder from Canada
Grandmother Mahingan, is a medicine woman and ceremonial grandmother, taught in the Anichinabe Algonquin and Blackfoot traditions of Canada. Her medicine is linked to the Breath, the Heart and the Body through song, voice, dream medicine, rituals and ceremonies, sweat lodges, medicine wheels, sacred fire nights... She is a hollow bone that receives and transmits the Breath, connected to Spirit, to the Source of Life, to the Ancestors, to enable and accompany cleansing, healing and transformation. Grand-Mère Mahingan likes to build bridges between Western transpersonal therapies of listening and accompaniment and the ceremonies of the First Peoples. Caring for the connection and relationship between the Smallest and the Greatest Everything is at the heart of both.
Marie-DO Mahingan Grandmother

Grand-Mother Fabienne Gaitte Satinka
Medicine woman, guardian of the Earth and Great Mother of Wisdom, bearer of the sacred songs and guides of the Dances of Universal Peace,
Traditional birth guardian, transmitter of the council of the 13 original Mothers,
Having sailed for 10 years around the world, the intra-sea peoples and the Spirit of Mother Whale and the dolphins sail with me on the waves of life, passing on their messages of heightened consciousness, joy and love and the evidence of a new humanity on the march.

Lourdes Vizcaino Lazcanso Oasongtliguen from Chiapas (Mexico)
Born in Jalisco, Mexico. She lives in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, in the land of the Heart community For 16 years, she has had a near death experience (NDE), And follows from the spirit of the ray, She walks with her word. She walks with heart and water, and weaves with CORAGUA. She participates in celebrations, ceremonies, visions, reactivations on special dates and places they call, inspiring a loving Life, from the purity of our blood. She recognizes the sanctity of human technology and the importance of participating in that technology, and with it, in consciousness, at this time of life.